- import Manager from './Manager';
- import { TextureManager } from '../entry';
- export class _UIManager extends Manager {
- constructor() {
- super();
- this.defaultStyle = {
- buttonTexture: TextureManager.getTexture('uiButtonDefault'),
- buttonSubImage: 0,
- buttonHoverSubImage: 0,
- buttonPressedSubImage: 1,
- buttonReleasedSubImage: 1,
- fontTexture: TextureManager.getTexture('fontDefault'),
- textInputBoxTexture: TextureManager.getTexture('uiButtonDefault'),
- };
- this.styles = [];
- this.currentStyle = null;
- this.addStyle('Default', {});
- this.setCurrentStyle('Default');
- }
- /**
- *
- *
- * @param {JSONObject} jsonStyleObject A JSON formatted object containing generic drawing data for styles.
- */
- addStyle(uiStyleName, jsonStyleObject) {
- this.styles[uiStyleName] = Object.assign({}, this.defaultStyle, jsonStyleObject);
- }
- setCurrentStyle(uiStyleName) {
- this.currentStyle = this.getStyle(uiStyleName);
- }
- getCurrentStyle() {
- return this.currentStyle;
- }
- getStyle(styleName) {
- let style = this.styles[styleName];
- if (style == null)
- throw 'UI style does not exist!';
- return style;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Singleton reference to the UIManager.
- */
- const UIManager = new _UIManager();
- export default UIManager;